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Tanterton Village Centre

Address: Tanterton Village Centre, Kidsgrove, Tanterton, Preston, PR2 7BX, Lancashire
Telephone number: 01772 727072

There's been a community centre in Tanterton since the early 1980's. Once a hive of activity with pantomimes, fĂȘtes and youth groups, a series of unfortunate events saw a decline in visitor numbers and the centre was forced to close its doors in 2013.

Determined to make sure that this vital community asset was not lost to decay, a group of dedicated local people got together to re-open the centre. They set about creating an ambitious but achievable plan, to bring the centre back to life and return it to the whole community.

The plan was approved by Preston City Council and in May 2014 the Tanterton Village Centre officially re-opened its doors.

In the Communities Hands 

Now that the building is in the hands of Tanterton community, its up to all residents to make it a busy, vibrant place that people want to use.

This could be by simply booking the centre for a party, spreading the word about the Centre or what events take place.

Preston Street Defence

Preston Street Defence is held at Tanterton Village Centre on a Wednesday evening 7pm - 8.30pm. This activity is for ages 13 years and above.

Ages 13+

Visit Tanterton Village Centre for more information

Youth Clubs

The Youth Club is held at the Tanterton Village Centre on a Friday evening 7.30pm -8.30pm for ages 14 years and above. 

A Youth Club for 5 - 11 year olds takes place on a Monday between 5pm - 7pm.